6 Medications That Can Make Migraine Worse

Key Questions
  • How do oral contraceptives exacerbate migraine frequency or symptoms?
  • What treatments do patients and physicians need to be cautious of that could cause harm to someone with migraine or headache?
  • What is the best way for a patient to coordinate their care across a variety of different doctors?
Interview Notes

Find more about Andrew Charles, MD and his work here:

Migraine Triggers, Protectors and Severity Modifiers

Key Questions
  • How good are we at predicting our own migraine triggers?
  • What are risk factors and how do we figure out our own?
  • How complicated is the relationship between risk factors for the frequency of migraine attacks and risk factors for the severity of migraine?
Interview Notes

Find more about Alec Mian, PhD and his work here:

Migraine, Vision and Occipital Neuralgia

Key Questions
  • What is the difference between migraine aura and occipital neuralgia?
  • Can visual symptoms occur in between migraine attacks?
  • What is cortical spreading depression and how does it relate to migraine aura?
Interview Notes

Find more about Kathleen Digre, MD and her work here:

Understanding the Gut-Brain Connection in Migraine

Key Questions
  • How can Ayurvedic medicine help ease the pain of migraine?
  • Why is the gut called the “second brain” and how does it relate to migraine?
  • What percentage of those with migraine have gastric reflux symptoms and why?
Interview Notes

Find more about Trupti Gokani, MD and her work here:

The Mechanics of a Migraine in the Brain and Body

Key Questions
  • Where in the body does a migraine begin?
  • Why should we not “bookend” the migraine phases as beginning and ending with headache pain, what other elements are important?
  • When would it be appropriate for patients and physicians to consider other possible specialties for treatment in addition to neurology?Interview Notes
Interview Notes

Find more about David Dodick, MD and his work here:

Tips to Ensure You’re Getting the Best Care Possible

Key Questions
  • What should be documented in a patient headache diary and how can it assist in treatment?
  • How is a headache clinic different from a primary care physician’s or neurologist’s office?
  • What can a migraine patient do to help make sure migraine is recognized and treated appropriately?
Interview Notes

Find more about Dawn Buse, PhD and her work here:

How Migraine Affects Your Mood: Anxiety & Depression

Key Questions
  • How often do migraine and anxiety or depression occur together?
  • How can we handle the anxiety that comes with worrying about the next migraine attack?
  • Should we tell HR, our managers at work, and friends and family that we have migraine?
Interview Notes

Find more about Dawn Buse, PhD and her work here:

Aging with Migraine: Changes and Long Term Effects

Key Questions
  • When are we most at risk of migraine in our life?
  • What is the biggest factor that pulls people into chronic migraine?
  • Does the chance of stoke change as you age with migraine?
  • What are the telltale signs between a stroke and a migraine attack?
  • What are “late-life migraine accompaniments”?
  • What free and natural remedy is a recognized treatment for pain in migraine (antinociceptive)?
  • How can migraine change as we age?
  • Why might migraine disappear in older people?
  • Why does migraine persist in others?
  • What age does migraine persist until?
  • How are blood vessels related to other serious conditions?
  • What are white matter lesions?
  • What does it mean if you have white matter lesions show up in a scan?
  • Is migraine a self-limiting disorder?
  • What happens to our brain after hundreds or even thousands of attacks?
  • What impact could a lifetime of treatments and painkillers have?
  • What treatment alternatives are there?
  • How concerned should we be about damage to the esophagus or tooth enamel from frequent vomiting or acid reflux?
  • Can migraine cause permanent cognitive difficulties or brain fog?
  • In what scenario should you start low and go slow?
  • What common mistake do patients make with successful treatments?
  • Is complete remission from migraine possible?
  • What perspective is helpful to take as we age?
Interview Notes

Find more about Allan Purdy, MD and his work here:

My Migraine Journey – Terrell Davis

Opening Night kicked off with three Top Experts in Migraine followed by two Celebrities, Kristin Chenoweth and Terrell Davis, sharing their migraine stories.

Key Questions
  • What inspired you to want to share your story today?
  • You first experienced migraine as a child. Tell us about what that first attack felt like.
  • How long did it take you to get a diagnosis?
  • Migraine is often thought of as a woman’s disease. Have you ever felt there’s a stigma around people with migraine, especially as a male?
  • Has this made it difficult to tell someone you had migraine, either in your work or personal life?
  • Football projects a very masculine and rough and tough image. How have you seen stigma play out in the NFL and in your career?
  • Take us back to your Superbowl experience. What were you feeling physically?
  • How did your teammates and coaches react to your migraine attack?
  • You’ve shared that your migraine attacks are often triggered by exercise, yet running was your main job. How did you manage that?
  • What has helped you with deal with the pain over the years?
  • What motivating lessons about managing stress and handling adversity did you learn from migraine and football?
  • Are there any words of inspiration you would like to share with the audience on how to manage the pain and their relationships?
  • How important has it been for you to have access to a qualified healthcare team to manage your migraine?
  • Do you have any advice for those seeking to understand their condition better?

What’s Holding Us Back From Getting the Care We Need?

Opening Night kicked off with three Top Experts in Migraine followed by two Celebrities, Kristin Chenoweth and Terrell Davis, sharing their migraine stories.

Key Questions
  • What can we learn from other rights movements?
  • Why is migraine still “unspoken”?
  • What is stigma and how does it hold us back?
  • What are the most credible reasons for calling in sick to work?
  • Does migraine stigma affect the choices made by doctors and research scientists?
  • How well funded is migraine?
  • Why do we need more research?
  • What is the reality for people with migraine?
  • How big is the mountain between us and a cure?
  • What is the cost of silence?
  • What can we do about stigma?
  • What is Headache on the Hill?
Interview Notes

Find more about Dawn Buse, PhD and his work here:

Cultivating Resilience and Strength Through Migraine

Opening Night kicked off with three Top Experts in Migraine followed by two Celebrities, Kristin Chenoweth and Terrell Davis, sharing their migraine stories.

Key Questions
  • How does migraine affect those around us?
  • How would family and relationships be different without migraine?
  • How would your career and finances be different without migraine?
  • Is it ok to mourn?
  • Do we have a right to feelings like anger, frustration or guilt?
  • How do people with migraine feel about living with migraine?
  • Is there anything positive about living with migraine?
  • How can people with migraine survive and thrive?
  • How should people with migraine treat ourselves?
  • How can we find our tribe?
  • Should we ask for or accept help?
  • Is there a benefit to helping others or volunteering?
  • When should we see professional help?
  • What role does acceptance play in migraine management?
  • How might our identity be affected by migraine?
Interview Notes

Find more about Dawn Buse, PhD and her work here: