The Challenges of Living With Disability
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Key Questions
- How does the Americans with Disabilities Act define a disability and how does this definition relate to chronic migraine?
- What is the disability application process and what information is required for submission?
- At what point should a person consider applying for disability?
Interview Notes
Find more about Angie Glaser and her work here:
Angie Glaser
Migraine Advocate & Content Editor
Angie Glaser is Content Editor at Migraine Again and founder of the blog, “Chronic Migraine Life.” Her experience navigating work, the medical system, and Social Security Administration while struggling with chronic daily migraine has trained and inspired her to advocate for herself and others like her. On behalf of this huge, underserved, and often invisible population, she works in media to provide information and support to patients while advocating for greater attention to migraine for research and development, all while continuing to battle daily migraine.
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