The American Migraine Foundation (AMF) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of research and awareness surrounding migraine, a disabling condition that impacts more than 37 million men, women and children in the United States. The AMF was founded in 2010 to provide global access to information and resources for individuals with migraine as well as their family and friends. Working alongside the American Headache Society, the AMF mission is to mobilize a community for patient support and advocacy, as well as drive and support impactful research that translates into treatment advances for patients with migraine and other disabling diseases that cause severe head pain.

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At you’ll find an authentic wellness community of migraine and headache warriors who walk in your shoes every day. Discover not just how to survive, but how to thrive in your life, love and work despite frequent and chronic pain. It’s a supportive and empowering environment where people can find wellness solutions and coping strategies to get control of this disabling disease.

Founded by a lifelong migraine warrior and patient advocate, Paula K. Dumas, nearly all of our team members and contributors are people with migraine or their family members.

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Today's Interviews

Controlling Unresponsive Chronic Migraine

David Dodick, MD

Professor (Emeritus)
Mayo Clinic, Arizona

The Keys to Better Emergency Care

Christopher Gottschalk, MD, FAHS

Professor of Clinical Neurology; Director, Headache & Facial Pain Program
Yale Medicine

Treating Attacks: Real Patient Case Studies

Rashmi B. Halker Singh, MD, FAHS, FAAN

Associate Professor of Neurology
Mayo Clinic, Arizona

Hope for Refractory Chronic Migraine

Paolo Martelletti, MD

Professor & Director, Master of Headache Medicine
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

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