Unrelenting Daily Headaches and Migraines
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Key Questions
- How is NDPH similar to Chronic Migraine? And how is it different?
- What happens in a person’s life for their head pain to suddenly turn into a daily occurrence?
- What options for treatment does someone with daily headaches have to treat it?
Interview Notes
Find more about Zubair Ahmed, MD and his work here:

Zubair Ahmed, MD
Cleveland Clinic
Dr. Zubair Ahmed is a neurologist who specializes in the management of migraine at The Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, one of the rising stars in headache medicine. Dr. Ahmed’s research interests lie in elucidating migraine aura pathophysiology and headache quality improvement. He presented the latest research on New Persistent Daily Headache at the 2017 International Headache Academy.
Interviews from Zubair Ahmed, MD
Migraine Care for Busy People: New Online Health Solutions
Unrelenting Daily Headaches and Migraines

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