Neck and Migraine: What’s the Connection?
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Key Questions
- How is the neck involved in the pathophysiology of a migraine attack?
- Can people with migraine also get cervicogenic headaches or tension type headaches that affect the neck?
- What do you consider safe and smart treatments to deal with neck pain?
Interview Notes
Find more about Joel Saper, MD and his work here:
Joel Saper, MD
Founder and Director
Michigan Headache & Neurological Institute
As founder and director of the Michigan Headache and Neurological Institute, Dr. Joel Saper is world-renowned for his breakthrough research on head, neck and facial pain. Dr. Saper is the author of eight books and over 300 medical articles. He is featured in major television and news media as an authority on headache and migraine. A board-certified neurologist, Dr. Saper has presided over the American Association for the Study of Headache, the American Headache Society, and has taught other physicians at the American Academy of Neurology and Michigan State University.
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