Help & Support
Thank you for attending the Migraine World Summit. We’re here to help, but please be aware we’re also a small team and can be overwhelmed when tens of thousands of people are attending the virtual event online.
- Before sending your query, please review the following Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).
- If your question is not answered in the FAQs, you can either submit a support inquiry in the box at the bottom of this page or chat live when one of our Community Support Volunteers is available using the ‘Let’s talk’ box at the bottom right of any page. At busy times, our Digital assistant, Flora, may respond. If Flora does not adequately address your question, you will have the option to leave a message for the next available volunteer.
- Remember our support team are not medical professionals; we cannot provide medical or personal advice regarding your migraine condition. Only your qualified personal health professional can provide medical advice.
- We do not provide crisis or emergency services; please call emergency services in your area.
- We are more than happy to provide support and answer questions to help you get the most out of this event!
- Our Community Support team is comprised of real people – volunteers personally impacted by migraine. We kindly ask that all interactions remain polite and respectful, ensuring a supportive environment in both directions and the best possible assistance for you.
We’ll get back to you as soon as we can. Thank you.
Frequently Asked Questions
You can watch the recording after the Pre-Summit webinar takes place on March 6, 2025. A link will be placed here.
The Migraine World Summit is an annual event held each year. It is live every year in March. The 2025 Migraine World Summit will be held from March 20-27.
Make sure you join our weekly newsletter for tips, quotes and insights from world-leading experts. You'll also receive access to eight free expert interviews from 2024 when you sign up.
To make sure you are notified about the Migraine World Summit simply click on any of the blue registration buttons on the website and enter your email. You will receive a confirmation email within 15 minutes to confirm your address. Once you have confirmed your email address you’re all set.
If you don’t receive your confirmation email within 15 minutes, please check your junk mail or promotions tab. Sometimes it gets stuck there. For further issues please feel free to contact us using the website chat.
Yes, the 2025 Migraine World Summit is entirely online and virtual..
In the past, we have had both in-person, onstage events as well as a virtual event. 2025 will be 100% virtual. We hope to include more in-person events in the future.
Search by topic or speaker in our Expert Interview Library >>
The Migraine World Summit hosts and interviewers are the lucky individuals who sit down with the world leading experts in the interviews that are shown during the event.
Learn more about our 2025 interviewers and who they are on the Meet the Interviewers page >>
Yes, you can download/print a PDF of the MWS 2025 schedule here >>
If you missed the live event or important sessions or you want to re-watch the interviews, you may order an Access Pass which includes all the interviews, audio, and transcripts. A portion of the proceeds will go towards our migraine charity partners who are listed on our homepage.
To get unlimited, on-demand access, visit the order page.
When the Migraine World Summit is live, free access is granted to watch the interviews. Each day is open for 24 hours until the next day of the event begins.
A copy of the Summit can also be purchased. From those who order a copy, up to 50% of the proceeds go towards our partner migraine charities, many of whom are listed on our homepage.
We also encourage attendees to share our charity partner pages with their friends, family, and colleagues to help raise funds for migraine research and patient support.
Please note: purchase is entirely optional and not required to preview the expert speakers.
While the Migraine World Summit is live, each interview is no longer than 30 minutes. We carefully edit interviews to this length so it’s easier for you to manage your time during the event and absorb the information. However, almost all our original interview recordings contain in-depth discussion that simply would not fit into a 30-minute segment. When you order a copy of the 2025 Migraine World Summit, you instantly receive access to all the full-length interview editions, which includes hours more of bonus content with global experts.
Yes! During the 2025 Migraine World Summit, Shin C. Beh, MD will talk about Managing the Unique Challenges of Vertigo & Vestibular Migraine. Check the Schedule to see when this is released in March.
Several other experts have covered this topic in previous years. In 2024 Kristen K. Steenerson, MD discussed Finding Balance in Vestibular Migraine Diagnosis & Treatment. In 2023 we had Alicia Wolf discussing Foods to Help Migraine & Dizziness.
In 2021 with Dr. Shin Beh did a popular interview on Understanding Vestibular Migraine.
In 2019 Michael T. Teixido, MD discussed vestibular migraine in his interview entitled ‘Understanding Balance, Vertigo and Dizziness’ on Day 3 of the 2019 Migraine World Summit.
In 2018 year Dr. Frederick Godley (MD, FACS) discusses the vestibular system this year. He is an otolaryngologist (or ENT doctor) and President of the Association of Migraine Disorders. To preview his talk click here.
In 2017 Dr. David Dodick also discussed Vestibular migraine in detail including treatments for V.M. He is the immediate past president of the International Headache Society and Director of Headache Program at the Mayo Clinic. If you missed his session you can preview the interview here.
In 2019 we spoke with migraine patient advocate, Nim Lalvani, preview the interview here.
In 2018 several of our speakers reference hemiplegic migraine in their talks including Allan Purdy MD, Juliana VanderPluym MD, Robert Cowan MD, and Teri Robert. Search our library page for these interviews and more.
Our mission is to reduce the global burden of migraine through world-class education from leading experts. To do this, we interview, film, edit, and produce these interviews.
- Access to world-class headache specialists is provided for free during the event each year—there is no requirement to pay anything, ever, while the event is live.
- We do not ask for donations. Instead, we rely on the proceeds from sales of each year’s Summit to help keep the event running. This is only a very small percentage of all Summit viewers since the vast majority attend for free.
- We donate up to 50% of our proceeds to migraine charity partners, with over $180,000 USD going to charities across three continents since inception.
- The remaining proceeds go towards the costs and expenses, which include filming, video production, and editing. The resources, infrastructure, website, contractors, and team required to produce the Migraine World Summit is significant.
- A typical event, for example, produces over 18 hours of video and over 400 pages of transcripts.
- The Migraine World Summit does not have any full-time employees—most of our team members are volunteers.
Ultimately our goal is to make this event sustainable so it can be run year after year, reach more people, and make a positive difference for even more people affected by migraine. Free interview availability is limited to encourage a small percentage of people to purchase a copy of the Migraine World Summit, which helps keep the event running each year. We always welcome constructive suggestions on how we may better serve you.
Simply register your details on our Affiliates page linked in the footer menu and we’ll send you everything you need to help share the Migraine World Summit, bring the migraine community together and raise funds for your cause.
No. You can access the interviews directly on the website during the summit dates. Interviews will open according to the schedule (4 per day) every day at 3:00 pm ET (Eastern Time, New York).
The daily emails are helpful reminders, but you can also access the interviews directly on our website. Simply refresh the Schedule page each day.
If you don’t receive your email within 1 hour of the Day opening (i.e. by 4:00 pm ET, New York), please check your junk or spam folder and add us to your safe contacts. If our email is not in your inbox or spam folder, let us know by using the website chat feature (bottom right of the screen).
We use an external service provider to host our videos. This ensures that you can watch in High Definition (HD) with thousands of others view simultaneously. Occasionally, a weak internet connection may cause the video to freeze or fail to load. If this happens, note how far into the interview you have watched and refresh the page. Then forward to where you left off.
Yes, the earlier Migraine World Summits from 2016-2023 are available. Many interviews are as relevant today as when they first aired. As a registered visitor you can watch the first 2 days of each Summit in their entirety. For the remaining days you can view a preview of each interview. If you have purchased a specific year, you can watch all the interviews for that year's summit.
Yes we do you can click on the link below to download and print a PDF flyer.
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