The Latest New Treatment Innovations
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Key Questions
- The International Headache Society recently titled its conference “Dawn of New Headache Treatments.” What makes this such an important time for migraine?
- How do the new CGRP drugs — Aimovig, Ajovy, Emgality, and Vyepti — work?
- What are some of the side effects of these medications?
- How are people responding to the new CGRP drugs, now that a few hundred thousand have tried them?
- Is there anyone who should not use the CGRP medications?
- What is the mechanism behind some of the neuromodulation devices, such as the Nerivio, CEFALY, gammaCore, and sTMS devices?
- How safe and how effective are neuromodulation devices?
- What can you tell us about the new class of acute medication coming out, the ditans?
- Will taking a ditan feel different than what taking a triptan feels like for some people with migraine?
- What can you tell us about yet another class of medication coming out, the gepants?
- How do these new classes of drugs, the gepants and ditans, differ from triptans?
Interview Notes

Peter Goadsby, MD, PhD, FRS
Professor of Neurology and Neurologist
King's College London
Dr. Peter J. Goadsby is one of the world’s leading headache neurologists and researchers. He is a professor at King’s College London and an emeritus professor at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Dr. Goadsby is on the board of directors of the American Headache Society, and is also a trustee for The Migraine Trust.
He serves on the scientific advisory board and executive committee for the American Registry for Migraine Research (ARMR). He was one of the first to explore calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), the protein known for its involvement in migraine. This discovery has been instrumental in creating the new class of medications CGRP blockers, including Aimovig (erenumab), Ajovy (fremanezumab), Emgality (galcanezumab), Nurtec ODT (rimegepant), Qulipta (atogepant), and Vyepti (eptinezumab).

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The Association of Migraine Disorders (AMD) is devoted to expanding the understanding of migraine disease and its true scope. Migraine is a full body condition with a broad spectrum of symptoms, AMD is focused on including many medical specialties in the management of this disease.
Theranica develops advanced yet affordable electroceuticals, addressing a few prevalent neurological pain diseases. The company’s first FDA-authorized product, Nerivio™, is available in the US. Nerivio is an innovative, non-invasive, smartphone-operated, prescribed wearable for the acute treatment of migraine. 12% of the world’s population suffer from migraine, of which 80% are women. Being completely drug-free, Nerivio™ is a safe, addiction-free alternative in the multi-billion-dollar market of medications for migraine.

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