Migraine at Work: Issues and Progress

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Key Questions
  • What is the Eurolight study and what were the key findings?
  • What is the My Migraine Voice study and what were the key findings?
  • How prevalent is migraine in the workplace?
  • What are some qualities that make those with migraine great employees?
  • What are some ways to discuss your migraine condition with your employer?
  • What work is being done to change healthcare programs and sick leave policies for those with migraine and headache disease?
  • What are some ways to change public perception of migraine?
  • What wellness programs have been introduced to help employees with migraine?
  • What workplace changes have been made to accommodate employees with migraine?
  • What kinds of costs do employers potentially face in hiring workers with migraine?
Interview Notes
Elena Ruiz de la Torre

Elena Ruiz de la Torre

Patient Advocate and Executive Director
European Migraine & Headache Alliance

Elena Ruiz de la Torre is one of the leading patient advocates and researchers in the world. She is a tireless and passionate champion for people with headache disorders in the workplace and beyond, with her advocacy career beginning in her native Spain, and then expanding to Europe, and now the world. Elena leads the European Migraine and Headache Alliance, a nonprofit patient umbrella group that represents 35 patient groups from across the continent. She also co-led the creation of WHAM, the World Health and Migraine organization, a patient-led coalition open to patient groups around the world. She has co-authored several publications, and her list of current advocacy work is extensive, including the “My Migraine Voice Global Survey,” “Migraine at Work,” and the “Migraine Matters” project.

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