Food and Nutrition For Migraine

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Key Questions
  • Is there a migraine diet, or a diet specific for people with migraine?
  • Is the research on diet and migraine reliable?
  • What is inflammation, and how does it relate to pain?
  • Why are processed foods bad for us?
  • How do sugars promote inflammation?
  • Are dairy foods pro-inflammatory?
  • How do we determine which foods could cause migraine?
  • What herbs or spices are recommended for migraine?
  • What are some “migraine superfoods”?
  • What are some good foods to eat during a migraine?
  • Will migraine treatments in the future include a recommended diet?
Interview Notes

Cynthia Armand, MD

Neurologist and Headache Specialist
Albert Einstein College of Medicine/Montefiore Headache Center

Dr. Armand is an assistant professor of neurology at Montefiore Medical Center, the university hospital for Albert Einstein College of Medicine. She is also the fellowship director at the Montefiore Headache Center. She is the co-chair of the American Headache Society’s (AHS) Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Taskforce, and serves as vice president of the Society of Haitian Neuroscientists. She is the current web editor at JAMA Neurology and the host of the JAMA Neurology Author Interviews podcast. Dr. Armand was named an Emerging Leader in Headache Medicine by the AHS in 2018. She is also a recent graduate of the American Academy of Neurology’s 2020 Diversity Leadership Program. Dr. Armand is an avid lover of neurology and health news with a strong interest in patient education, as well as social media as a valuable means of patient empowerment and knowledge.

Interviews from Cynthia Armand, MD

Chronic Disease on Social Media: Helpful or Harmful?
Food and Nutrition For Migraine

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Miles for Migraine is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with the mission of improving the lives of people with migraine and other headache disorders, and their families, by raising public awareness about this disease, and helping to find a cure. Miles for Migraine produces fun walk/run events, typically a 2-mile walk and 5K and 10K races to raise money for migraine research. We also host adult education days, and a youth program for kids and teens impacted by migraine and other headache disorders.

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Comfortable and easy-to-use, the FDA-Cleared CEFALY Dual device stimulates and desensitizes the area research identifies as a center for migraine pain, the trigeminal nerve.

Since CEFALY is not a drug, it can be used as a standalone option or with an existing treatment. The ACUTE setting is clinically proven to stop or reduce migraine pain during an attack. With compliant daily use, the PREVENT setting is clinically proven to reduce the frequency of migraine days.

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