Beyond Guilt and Shame: One Woman’s Journey

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Key Questions
  • When did your migraine journey begin as a child?
  • What happened after your diagnosis?
  • What was it like having migraine in school?
  • How did your migraine condition change throughout the years?
  • Was it sudden or gradual?
  • What treatments have you been given?
  • As a wife and mother, how do you deal with the guilt that comes with not being able to fully function in these roles at times?
  • How did migraine eventually lead to fibromyalgia, depression, and anxiety?
  • How did you cope with these comorbidities that often come with migraine disease?
  • What have you learned from a naturopath that you wouldn’t necessarily learn from a headache specialist or neurologist?
  • Has using a more holistic, naturopathic approach improved your health?
  • What led to your advocacy work, and what have you been working on in that area?
Interview Notes

Find more about Jaime Sanders and her work here:

Jaime Sanders

Patient Advocate & Blogger
The Migraine Diva

Jaime Sanders is a patient advocate, blogger, and mother of three. She lives with chronic migraine, fibromyalgia, depression, and anxiety. Jaime has a popular blog called The Migraine Diva, which is her personal diary, platform for her advocacy, and sounding board where readers can learn how chronic pain affects a person and their family. She is a partner with the Coalition for Headache and Migraine Patients (CHAMP) and is a part of the leadership of the Disparities in Headache Advisory Council. Jaime also partners with the Headache and Migraine Policy Forum, the Society for Women’s Health Research Interdisciplinary Migraine Network, the HealthyWomen Chronic Pain Advisory Council, and the Patient Leadership Council with the National Headache Foundation. Through her advocacy work and blog, Jaime’s mission is to make a very invisible disease visible to the rest of the world and validate the real pain of millions.

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