Understanding the Hypersensitive Migraine Brain
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Key Questions
- Do people with migraine feel pain differently than others?
- Which of our senses are more heightened during and between attacks?
- Why does light and sound hurt more during a migraine attack?
Interview Notes
Find more about Todd Schwedt, MD and his work here:
Todd Schwedt, MD
Professor of Neurology
Mayo Clinic School of Medicine in Arizona
As a Professor of Neurology the Mayo Clinic School of Medicine in Arizona, Dr. Todd Schwedt has seen thousands of migraine patients and evaluated a large number of scans of our hypersensitive brains. His research using advanced MRI techniques has been widely published. He serves on the Board of Directors of the American Headache Society, is the Vice Chairman of the Headache and Facial Pain section of the American Academy of Neurology, is a member of the International Headache Society Classification Committee, and is an Associate editor of Headache, Cephalalgia and Pain Medicine journals.
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