How Fasting, Weight and Dehydration Affect Your Brain
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Key Questions
- Why can’t people with chronic migraine skip a meal when other people do it all the time?
- What are the risks of fasting or intermittent fasting for someone living with migraine disease?
- What is the association between weight and frequency of migraine attacks?
- What are some important factors related to weight loss that are important for those with migraine to consider when attempting to lose weight?
- How should the presence of mood issues affect the approach to a weight loss plan?
- What are important considerations regarding use of a ketogenic diet?
- How does sufficient water help us to ensure that we’re getting proper functioning of our brain and body?
- How do you know if you’re dehydrated?
- How much water do we need to drink and what are additional ways to stay hydrated?
- What additions to the water we drink might actually be working against hydration?
- When are hospital-administered IV fluids necessary?
- How should people living with migraine disease prioritize establishing healthy eating and drinking habits versus searching for food-related triggers?
Interview Notes
Elizabeth Leroux, MD, FRCPC
Headache Specialist
Montreal Neurological Clinic, Canada
Dr. Elizabeth Leroux is a well-respected headache neurologist currently practicing at the Montreal Neurological Clinic. Previous affiliations include the Montreal University Headache Clinic and the University of Calgary’s Calgary Headache Assessment and Management Program (CHAMP).
Dr. Leroux is past president of the Canadian Headache Society, the founder and chair of Migraine Canada, and the founder of Migraine Quebec. She is the designer of the Canadian Migraine Tracker app, and lead of the Continuing Medical Education (CME) mastermind program on migraine. Her current focus includes therapeutic education, cluster headache, vestibular migraine, and patient advocacy.
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Migraine & Headache Australia is the only organization in Australia that aims to support the more than 5 million Australians affected by headache and migraine. Headache Australia is a division of the Brain Foundation.
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