Understanding Balance, Vertigo and Dizziness
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Key Questions
- Why do some people with migraine experience dizziness or balance issues while others do not?
- Is it true that you can have migraine without having headache?
- How is vestibular migraine diagnosed?
- Why are individuals with vestibular migraine often misdiagnosed?
- What are some of the symptoms that people with vestibular migraine experience?
- Do people with vestibular migraine have different triggers than people with migraine in general?
- What treatments are available for vestibular migraine?
- Is physical therapy or vestibular rehab an alternative treatment available for those with vestibular migraine?
- Is diet something that should be considered when living with vestibular migraine?
Interview Notes
Find more about Michael Teixido, MD and his work here:

Michael Teixido, MD
Assistant Professor of Otorhinolaryngology
Thomas Jefferson Medical College, USA
Dr. Michael Teixido is an otolaryngologist with a special interest in medical and surgical conditions that affect hearing and balance. He was born in Wilmington, Delaware, and developed an interest in ear surgery because of a hereditary hearing condition in his family. He actively pursues his goals to advance the study and understanding of problems involving hearing, balance, and general otolaryngology through his participation in many national professional organizations and through frequent lectures to his professional colleagues and the public. Dr. Teixido has taken a leadership role in otolaryngology in education on migraine and benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), and he has established teaching tools and foundations to improve patient care.
Dr. Teixido has an active neurotologic practice. He is the director of the Delaware Otologic Medicine and Surgery Fellowship, director of the Balance and Mobility center of Christiana Care, and co-director of the Pediatric Cochlear Implant and Auditory Rehabilitation Program of the duPont Hospital for Children. He teaches residents in otolaryngology regularly at Thomas Jefferson, University of Pennsylvania, and Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine.

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