Tips to Ensure You’re Getting the Best Care Possible
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Key Questions
- What should be documented in a patient headache diary and how can it assist in treatment?
- How is a headache clinic different from a primary care physician’s or neurologist’s office?
- What can a migraine patient do to help make sure migraine is recognized and treated appropriately?
Interview Notes
Find more about Dawn Buse, PhD and her work here:
Timothy R. Smith, MD, RPH
President & CEO
StudyMetrix Research
Dr. Timothy R. Smith is a fellow of the American College of Physicians and the American Headache Society, a certified physician investigator of the Academy of Clinical Research Professionals, and Vice President of the National Headache Foundation. He has been the principal investigator of more than 200 clinical trials and original research projects. He has over 40 peer-reviewed publications to his credit, and has written over 200 other articles, abstracts, and book chapters over the course of his career. Dr. Smith has a special interest in patient and physician issues that relate to treatment of headache in primary care. An advisor to research organizations, educational foundations, and pharmaceutical corporations, Dr. Smith is a frequent lecturer on headache topics at a national level.
Dr. Smith has received a number of awards in the field of headache management, including the Migraine Innovators Award, the NHF Lectureship Award and the AMA Physician’s Recognition Award with Special Commendation. His research has twice been awarded the AHS’s Kaplan Award for Research in Chronic Daily Headache. In 2015, Dr. Smith was honored with the National Headache Foundation’s Lifetime Achievement Award.
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