Day 1 (2018) – Migraine Essentials
National Headache Foundation is today’s featured non-profit. Over the past 48 years, our mission at the National Headache Foundation has been to further awareness of headache and migraine as legitimate neurobiological diseases. Much has changed during this time. With aid from advanced technology and clinical innovation, there are more treatment options than ever before. However, we understand that these diseases are still largely misunderstood and that finding the right treatment options for you requires insight. We hope you’ll consider making a donation.
The Migraine World Summit is brought to you today through the generous support of eNeura, maker of the sTMS mini TM neuromodulation device. As effective as medications—with none of the intolerable side effects, sTMS mini is indicated for prophylactic and acute migraine treatment. To watch a video and learn more about the sTMS mini by eNeura® and more click here.
Today's Interviews
The Keys to Finding New Treatments
Peter Goadsby, MD, PhD, FRS
Professor of Neurology and Neurologist
King's College London
Aging with Migraine: Changes and Long Term Effects
Allan Purdy, MD
Professor of Neurology
Dalhousie University, Canada
How Migraine Affects Your Mood: Anxiety & Depression
Dawn C. Buse, PhD
Psychologist & Clinical Professor of Neurology
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Tips to Ensure You’re Getting the Best Care Possible
Timothy R. Smith, MD, RPH
President & CEO
StudyMetrix Research
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