Are You Really “Just Fine”?
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Key Questions
- What is the impact of migraine?
- What are some common symptoms of migraine?
- How does migraine affect overall health?
- Does stress cause migraine or does migraine cause stress?
- What is the financial impact of migraine?
- What are some differences between episodic and chronic migraine?
- How do each of these conditions affect relationships?
- How does migraine affect your career and finances?
- How disabling is migraine?
- Why do people hide migraine? How many people “hide”?
- Where in the body is migraine generated?
- What are different types of stigma?
- How does stigma affect those living with migraine?
- What can be done to address the damage caused by stigma?
- Why should someone with migraine open up about it?
- How can we change the conversation around migraine?
Interview Notes
William B. Young, MD
Neurologist and Headache Specialist
Jefferson Headache Center
Dr. William Young is a world-renowned pioneer in the field of migraine. He serves as the director of the Jefferson Headache Center in Philadelphia. He instructs neurologists on headache medicine and regularly publishes research on the topic. He is board-certified in neurology, psychiatry, and headache medicine. Dr. Young is a passionate advocate on eradicating the stigma of migraine. He fights on Capitol Hill for greater funding and research on migraine. In addition to his roles at the American Headache Society and the American Academy of Neurology, he is also president of the Alliance for Headache Disorders.
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