What Causes Migraine and Its Symptoms

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Key Questions
  • What causes migraine?
  • If someone in your family has migraine, does that make you more likely to have it?
  • Are there other risk factors, such as underlying conditions, that could also predetermine your susceptibility to migraine?
  • What is the difference between a cause of migraine and a trigger?
  • What does the concept  “migraine threshold” mean?
  • What are the different phases of migraine?
  • Is tension-type headache the same as migraine?
  • When would emergency medical treatment for migraine be necessary?
  • What is the correlation between mood disorders and migraine?
  • How does sleep affect migraine?
Interview Notes

Catherine Stark, MD

Austin Health, Melbourne, Australia

Dr. Catherine Stark is a headache specialist and certified neurologist with expertise in chronic migraine. She practices in the department of neurology at Austin Health, in Heidelberg, Australia. Dr. Stark is a member of the Rising Stars program, which is a setting where a group of headache experts from around the world come together to work on their study ideas.  Dr. Stark has co-authored several research studies on headache disorders. Highlights of her research have focused on daily chronic headache, the relationship between sleep apnea and migraine, and the effects of onabotulinumtoxinA (Botox) on migraine.

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The American Migraine Foundation (AMF) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of research and awareness surrounding migraine, a disabling condition that impacts more than 37 million men, women and children in the United States. The AMF was founded in 2010 to provide global access to information and resources for individuals with migraine as well as their family and friends.

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A leading international migraine patient advocate and blogger, Carl's battle with chronic migraine inspired him to found the Migraine World Summit which he co-hosts and produces.

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