Clinical Errors that Undermine Migraine Care
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Key Questions
- How common are mistakes in medicine?
- Why do errors occur?
- How can patients and doctors avoid the problems inherent in overly industrialized medicine?
- Where are treatment rates for people with migraine low?
- What can we do to raise treatment rates?
- How can patients receive the best possible care from their doctors?
- What are the direct, indirect, and societal costs of migraine?
- How much can we improve productivity just by helping people with migraine who come to work during an attack?
- What is the most important thing for patients to give their doctors?
- How does a patient know if they should find a new doctor?
Interview Notes
Find more about Zaza Katsarava, MD, PhD and his work here:
- Evangelical Hospital in Unna (De)
- University of Essen in Germany
- European Headache Federation
- International Classification of Headache Disorders, 3rd ed.
- Neglected Headache
- University of Copenhagen Masters in Headache Disorders Program
- Sapienza University in Rome Masters in Headache Medicine Program
- Eurolight Study

Zaza Katsarava, MD, PhD
Professor of Neurology
University of Essen, Germany
Professor Zaza Katsarava is head of the department of neurology at the Evangelical Hospital in Unna, and a professor of neurology at the University of Essen in Germany. He is also the new president of the European Headache Federation and is active in numerous other organizations and boards for headache relief. His training in neurology began in Tbilisi, Georgia, and has since expanded to include the University of Essen in Germany, the Harvard School of Public Health, and the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Professor Katsarava’s main interest focuses on headache and pain, especially the risk factors and mechanisms of chronic headache. He has used electrophysiological and imaging techniques to investigate the plasticity of the pain network in development of chronic headache. He is a principal investigator in several of the large scale population-based studies on predictors and risk factors of headache chronicity. He has published widely in peer-reviewed journals and elsewhere for over 20 years.

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