Day 1 (2022)
Over the past 50 years, our mission at the National Headache Foundation has been to further awareness of headache and migraine as legitimate neurobiological diseases. Much has changed during this time. With aid from advanced technology and clinical innovation, there are more treatment options than ever before. However, we understand that these diseases are still largely misunderstood and that finding the right treatment options for you requires insight.
VYEPTI is a treatment for the challenges you—or someone you know—may face with this condition. Talk to your healthcare provider to see if VYEPTI is right for you.
Listen in as world-leading migraine and headache experts share their gratitude for the 80+ patient advocates who help produce the Summit each year.
Today's Interviews
Learning the Full Impact of Migraine Through Patient Voices
Rebecca Erwin Wells, MD, MPH, FAHS
Associate Professor; Founder & Director, Comprehensive Headache Program
Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist & Wake Forest School of Medicine
Expert Tips to Manage Persistent Migraine Pain
Jessica Ailani, MD, FAHS, FAAN
MedStar Georgetown Headache Center
Migraine Long Haulers: Lasting Effects
Matthew Robbins, MD
Associate Professor of Neurology & Residency Program Director
Weill Cornell Medicine, NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital
The Latest New Treatments for Migraine
Deborah Friedman, MD, MPH, FAAN, FAHS
Neuro-Ophthalmologist & Headache Specialist
Yellow Rose Headache & Neuro-Ophthalmology

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