Andrew Charles, MD

Andrew Charles, MD

UCLA Goldberg Migraine Program

Dr. Andrew Charles is director of Headache Research and Treatment, and professor of neurology at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. He leads the Goldberg Migraine Program, established in December 2015 with the largest single private grant ever for migraine research, in order to develop new treatments and research a potential cure. He has served on the board of directors for the American Headache Society since 2010, and the board of trustees for the International Headache Society since 2011. Dr. Charles educates neurologists, headache specialists and primary care physicians around the world on headache research and treatment. He’s also been published in numerous medical journals such as Neurology and Headache, and serves as an associate editor of Cephalalgia.

Interviews from Andrew Charles, MD

Shortening Attacks with Early Migraine Intervention
Neck Pain and Migraine: Trigger or Symptom
The New Era of Migraine: Hope and Help
6 Medications That Can Make Migraine Worse
Recognizing and Treating 4 Phases of Migraine
