Day 8 (2021)
Miles for Migraine is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with the mission of improving the lives of people with migraine and other headache disorders, and their families, by raising public awareness about this disease, and helping to find a cure. Miles for Migraine produces fun walk/run events, typically a 2-mile walk and 5K and 10K races to raise money for migraine research. We also host adult education days, and a youth program for kids and teens impacted by migraine and other headache disorders.
Get 25% off at when you use the code MWS25. Axon Optics develops eyewear with proprietary filters that block the wavelengths of light implicated in triggering and aggravating migraine attacks and light sensitivity.
An alumni speaker and new Summit interviewer, Andy published his migraine experience in the critically acclaimed book, A Brain Wider Than the Sky.
Today's Interviews
Understanding Vestibular Migraine
Shin C. Beh, MD
Founder & Director
Beh Center for Vestibular & Migraine Disorders
Overcoming Monthly Menstrual Migraine
Christine Lay, MD, FAHS
Professor of Neurology, Deborah Ivy Christiani Brill Chair
University of Toronto

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