How An Integrative Approach Can Help Migraine

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Key Questions
  • Why can it be difficult to find doctors who think outside the box when it comes to migraine treatment?
  • How long do you recommend sticking with an integrative therapy before moving on?
  • Is alternative medicine as effective as mainstream therapies?
  • How can patients distinguish between safe, evidence-based alternative therapies and those that are bogus or misleading?
  • Which integrative therapy approaches have shown the most promise in treating migraine?
  • What sort of training or education are providers receiving to open up the conversation about alternative treatments with patients?
  • What is the best way to navigate the search for providers who can incorporate integrative medicine into their patients’ treatment plans?
  • Are chiropractic maneuvers safe for treating migraine?
  • Is there enough evidence to suggest that psilocybin is an effective migraine treatment?
  • Why is alternative medicine being taken more seriously now than before?
Interview Notes

Deena Kuruvilla, MD, FAHS

Neurologist & Director
Westport Headache Institute

Dr. Kuruvilla is a board-certified neurologist and director of the Westport Headache Institute, where she employs a holistic, biopsychosocial approach to diagnosis and treatment. She is also certified in headache medicine by the United Council for Neurologic Subspecialties. She is an assistant professor adjunct at the Yale School of Medicine, and has authored many articles, book chapters, and research publications. Her practice focuses on treatment procedures for headache, such as nerve-block injections, botulinum toxin injections, and trigger-point injections.

She is a member of the American Academy of Neurology and the American Headache Society, and actively serves on the Procedural Headache Medicine Special Interest Section of the American Headache Society. She has also been an invited reviewer and author for many peer-reviewed publications, including Headache, Cephalalgia, JAMA, and the British Medical Journal.

Dr. Kuruvilla’s research and clinical work has been widely featured in the press, including Prevention magazine, Neurology Today, the Hartford Courant, and The Wall Street Journal.

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