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5 tips to minimize migraine these holidays

The holiday season can be a wonderful time of year when the spirit of giving connects us with our closest family and friends. It can also be a minefield for migraine. For some, it’s a storm of triggers, stress, travel, and rich foods that completely overwhelm whatever threads of resilience…

Hormonal Contraception and HRT for Migraine

This expert interview is from a recent interview at the Migraine World Summit. For more information visit: Menstrual migraine attacks tend to be more severe, disabling, and more refractory compared to other attacks. They also affect about half of all women with migraine. Can these attacks be managed? What…

Treating Each Phase Of A Migraine Attack

This expert interview is from a recent interview at the Migraine World Summit. For more information visit: Do you know the benchmark for a successful treatment of an acute migraine attack? What about the latest science about migraine? And what exactly happens during a migraine attack? What pieces are…

Beyond Guilt and Shame: One Woman’s Journey

If you’ve struggled with chronic migraine for years, you know that dealing with the pain can be extremely difficult. Today you’ll be inspired by a courageous migraine warrior who will share her personal story of pain, perseverance, and advocacy. Jaime Sanders, also known as the Migraine Diva, is a patient…

Neck Pain and Migraine: Trigger or Symptom?

Complaints of neck pain, stiffness, or discomfort are something that almost all of us can identify with. The challenge is knowing whether neck pain is a cause, a trigger, or a symptom of a migraine attack. To help us answer these questions is Dr. Andrew Charles. Dr. Charles is the…

Botox: Separating Fact from Fiction

If you are a bit curious about how Botox will work with the new treatment options, or a bit skeptical about using Botox at all, you’ll get your questions answered in this treatment spotlight. Some people think of Botox as a beauty treatment, while others see it as a hurdle…

Neck Pain and Migraine: Trigger or Symptom?

This expert interview is from a recent interview at the Migraine World Summit. For more information visit: Complaints of neck pain, stiffness, or discomfort are something that almost all of us can identify with. The challenge is knowing whether neck pain is a cause, a trigger, or a symptom…

Medication for Prevention: Know Your Options

Benjamin Franklin was the first to say an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. In a year when we’ve all seen new ways to prevent migraine attacks before they start, we’ll explore just how important prevention is and who needs it most. Discover how you can combine…

Sleep, Insomnia and Energy

There are few things in migraine and headache that can be both a trigger and a treatment. Sleep is one of them. Sleep plays a critical role in our health and in our migraine or headache disorder. We’ve all heard about the importance of sleep but many of us still…

How to Interpret Migraine Research

Do you ever wonder how you can determine if a claimed migraine or headache therapy is legit or not? Often it’s difficult for the average consumer to separate the snake oil salesmen from the true research breakthroughs. Unless you’re a medical professional, discerning what’s proven in a well designed, peer-reviewed…

Treatment Spotlight: Drug-Free Devices

There are several drug-free devices using the latest technology and applications from the chronic pain field to help those with migraine and headache. The exciting news is that not only are there now several devices approved and available on the market today, there’s also a huge pipeline of new devices…

Migraine and Exercise: Trigger or Preventive?

If there’s one thing doctors always tell you, it’s: get regular exercise. Now whether you’re a marathoner or a couch potato, we all need to understand how movement and exertion affect people with migraine both positively and negatively. Is gentle movement enough, or do you have to break a sweat?…

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